I would like to take a look at a classic scenario where a lady falls prey to a scheming man. Now it’s not in all cases that this could arise from retaliation. Sometimes the male species can just be quite complicated…
The sad fact however, is that on many occasions it’s the timid / meek ladies that fall prey to such guys and how it starts can be quite tricky.
For such a timid lady the dating scene to her is viewed as an avenue to connect and have meaningful relationships or conversations. She is totally unaware sometimes of the dangers that lurks behind having such an attitude.
This is clearly because as they say “ only the strong survive”. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not as if this particular lady isn’t strong, rather her strength lies concealed within her obvious weakness and on more occasions than not, it takes harsh situations for it to birth forth.
At the corner, is most likely a calculated man who has made up his mind to enjoy as much as he can from the dating scene. Quite unknown to him that the lady he has chosen to prey on this time around possesses all the qualities to make him complete. Rather than assess cautiously, he waits for his moment and introduces himself and she falls prey to his scheming plan.
She literally gives her all and keeps giving with the guy withholding and many times acting like a jerk. To him it’s all a game with the thought at the back of his mind that the lady would never have the strength to leave him.
However, to his dismay, the lady’s strength births forth within her weakness and she takes the leap and moves on. When this happens, you many times may hear this classified as a situation where “a man once had a good lady but chose to let her go”.
The sad fact however is that when the man eventually realizes the weight of his action and it dawns on him clearly that the lady he chose to hurt was a good woman, she would have long moved on. Of course, he chooses to run back to win over her heart but to the lady, “once bitten, twice shy” is her watchword for the day.
Now, I guess you understand why I say that relationships these days are more or less a vicious cycle, where each man and woman need to be on look out.
Sadly, many times it’s the ladies that have thrown caution to the wind that win the battle and the prudent ladies end up being heart broken. Same too goes for the men.
Which would be your situation?
I guess, I’ve stated these past weeks some notable dimensions to healthy relationships. It’s actually been a lot of fun blogging about them although on some occasions, it was quite unnerving having to post them.
Nonetheless this category of the blog ‘Relationship Series’ will always be open and any further dimensions that comes up, would surely be published.
At the moment, I’m thinking of the next chapter to open up on this blog. It has really been relieving dwelling less on sickle cell anaemia and its attendant issues OR don’t you think so?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t intend to veer off completely but even the bible says that “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” – Philippians 4v8.
The last thing I want is to discourage you warriors to the point that you start seeing SCD as a death sentence.
Live your life, be happy and you’ll see things will start to shift. Happiness does a lot of wonders when trying to overcome an ailment / health disorder.
Looking forward to talking to you all soon. Bye.