Dear readers, I’m still extending requests for posts from you warriors on this platform. If you’d like to share your story or any concern you have that you want to be published, kindly reach out to me using the addresses on this site.
I decided to allow last week’s post to run for at least two weeks to appreciate all Caregivers to warriors. Truth be told, their love and care does go a long way in nurturing us. One thing I do know is that no caregiver stands by and watches their offspring experience untold pain all through their life without being heartbroken.
Be that as it may, I know that some caregivers did make this decision with eyes wide open but all the same it shouldn’t be a reason for we warriors to have outbursts or to allow them suffer unduly for whatever choices we deem as wrong. Sometimes, it’s the one who wears the shoe that knows exactly where it hurts and their decision may have been prompted by certain circumstances unknown to you.
The reason I’m saying this is that I have come across two caregivers that actually made a decision to get married knowing fully well that their genotypes did not match and had at the back of their minds, the possible outcome of their decision. In this case, I actually saw the little warrior whom I believe would be a lot grown now.
So warriors, let’s choose to put our pain aside for once and extend our love to our caregivers nonetheless. It totally breaks their heart to constantly see us in pain and to sometimes rub it in their faces is to double their sadness.
So to conclude, I’ll appreciate all caregivers to SCD warriors by saying these few words. The last thing you can do is to lose hope and give up on your warrior. Every warrior is a testimony in writing, little or grown. Even if they didn’t make it in the end doesn’t mean they didn’t live to fulfill their purpose. The lord permitted them to leave this world so that they could rest from their pain. So stop hurting and punishing yourself unduly because of the circumstance that may have surrounded their transition. Choose to stop recounting your decision and know for a fact that they have gone to a better place.
Until next week, still hoping I get some shared stories this coming week from you. Take care.