Onuoma's Blog

A change in the sequence of events.

Now is this stubbornness or relentlessness or “throwing caution to the wind”. This downright zeal for change to occur could have negative consequences. When you think of so many people that may have chosen to follow this route and eventually end up in the morgue you wonder what exactly all this fight is about. Yes, it takes the grace of God to go through an illness and also an equal amount of grace to be among the select few that have access to quality medical care and yet you choose to shun all that just to prove a point!

This had been my thoughts this past week, but the actual truth of the matter is that no one knows the amount of pain I’ve been through. For me to reach a point whereby I’ve chosen that come what may I need to get to the bottom of the matter, takes an added amount of courage. These past two weeks has not been easy for me, sometimes I find myself having to seat still for a few minutes just to regain my strength. On other occasions while wearing my mask, I must take in deep bouts of air through my mouth because it seems as if my nose can’t seem to get enough. At the end of the day, I admit it’s been the grace of God that has brought me thus far.

So what happened to my test results you ask? They only just came out this week but getting an appointment with the hematologist seemed to be further on in the week. Anyhow whilst waiting I decided to go see my general physician because of some of the symptoms I mentioned above little did I know it would be another painful round of an endless search for a vein to enable me have just some pints of blood until when I could see the hematologist.

My general physician had noted that my PCV seemed to have dropped some more and urged me to get a transfusion. Despite what I felt deep down on the inside that this was not the route to follow once more I agreed and found myself enduring several attempts to set a line. Of course at the end of the day we were back to the same old treatment method which was that I required a catheter to be set up for me but I refused and pleaded to go home and rest until I could see the haematologist later on in the week. It was while waiting that I was given a recommendation to see a nutritionist.

Finally I screamed with joy on the inside. All I had wanted for so long. As if I knew that my diet could have an actual hand in what I had been going through these past years. My appointment with the nutritionist was very rewarding. All I had noted in my previous post “A bit too much to swallow” seemed to staring me right in the face.
The nutritionist explained that many times in Sickle Cell Disease our diet plays a big role in what we suffer. She explained that most of the meals I had been consuming were inflammatory and were most times sapping me of some of my nutrients. Hence the constant lack of strength and constant transfusions. I was told to remove processed meals from my diet and consume more of legumes, roots, tubers, grains and vegetables. I was even given some natural plant based supplements and probiotics to aid my digestion. A meal plan was worked out for me infused with a lot of smoothies and fruits.

I noted to myself as I left the nutritionist that what I had gained from my appointment with her that day was valuable. So although I maybe waiting to see the haematologist on the outcome of my test results, I seemed to have gained more knowledge on the types of foods I should be consuming and its relation to my health. I couldn’t be more grateful for the recommendation.

I really do hope to hear from most of you. I know that I have noted some key points in my posts since I started this blog. Some of the points I admit maybe relative to a particular location of residence but nonetheless if there is ever a need for you to get a recommendation kindly send me a private mail and I will give you a response.
Bye for now..

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