I recall vividly when I decided to launch my blog back in April this year, I didn’t know what I would be getting into until I launched my site. First and foremost, social media had not been my thingy in the past but despite this I had been urged by two of my previous bosses to consider sharing my story because of all I had been through. One of them, God bless his soul, had urged me to use the forum of a live video. Anyhow, I guess it wasn’t the right time in the scheme of things according to the Lord’s calendar for my life. So even though I may have considered it, I just pushed it into the back of my mind and continued to live my life quietly.
I know you all will want to know what made me set out to do this eventually. As God would have it, another of my bosses and mentor this time urged me. Simply put she said to me, “You should consider starting a blog” and I responded how? guess what she said? “Google it”! So when the whole world was on a holiday due to the Covid-19 pandemic /lockdown, it was time for God to move me. I googled it and here I am today writing and sharing to you all my readers out there.
Please forgive me if my blog may not be as tech as you would want it to be, because it finally dawned on me, what God meant when he told Adam in Genesis 3v17 and 19.“ And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: ….……..in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground”.
Creating the blog itself was one different journey I never expected. For two straight days, I neither slept just trying to design and create the blog site as a new blog beginner. When I eventually launched it three days after all I wanted to do was to just to keep it intact because I wasn’t ready for the hassle to see all my hard work come undone simply because I was trying to make it as tech as possible. Lol.
Now the reason for my sharing this is because I’m going to urge you to kindly put down your comments to a question directed to Sickle cell warriors but I believe it to be an all rounded question in that you may not be a warrior but might be a carrier of the “S” gene who may have had to painfully walk away from a relationship simply because your other partner was either a carrier of the “S” gene also OR an “SS” warrior.
The question goes thus, ” Dear warriors have you ever been in a situation where you relationship ended simply because you were SS even though the other individual was AA? Please tell us how you dealt with it?
Please let me know how you overcame the pain. You could choose to leave it on either this blog OR on my facebook page. Any would do.
Take care….
Dedication – In memory of Mr. Benedict Okafor…”You were a good boss and I would always remember that”… May your gentle soul RIP.