At the age of three months, it was discovered that I had the SS genotype and this started a long journey and chain of events in my life.
My blog is dedicated to all Sickle Cell Anaemic individuals out there. The joy in blogging is obvious in being able to put your thoughts into words irrespective of its relation to the name of your site. This in a way was probably my reason in choosing the current name of the site.
The objectives of the blog includes being able to provide succor to other Sickle Cell Warriors by sharing insights into my life and how I’ve coped over the years. Also, using the site as a forum for interaction between other Warriors OR Caregivers to warriors that would also like to share their challenges or perspectives about Sickle Cell Anaemia.
Apart from these objectives you may just find the content of the blog interesting and may want to always follow up on subsequent posts. Whichever category you fall into is welcomed.