If you recall, I’d stated I’d take a look at some of the situations people grappled with, during the course of the lockdown, in an undefined order.
A closer look at those living in yards with nosy, temperamental neighbors, constantly in their faces, enduring their sneers or attitude, because of only one access to amenities such as borehole water, is quite a lot to take in also.
As I write, I recall watching a video that circulated on social media, which one may term as a classic example of a neighborly relationship gone sour. To summarize, two neighbors had an argument and called out their spouses to intervene in the situation. Things got out of hand and, the situation digressed into a chaotic fight that led to the death of both spouses.
I know, if either spouse had been warned earlier of the outcome of their intervention in the issue, they’ll both have waved it off, as a figment of imagination. Not so? Anyhow their inability to receive insults and walk away silently, led not only their demise but also left their loved ones awestruck.
I’m not here to talk about who said what OR to look intricately at the situation. No, it’s not my intention. Rather, I’m here to view things from the angle of their inability to let “unfair” situations ride and to accept them. Not basically because one is “silly” but because arguing over them only leads to a dead end.
Yes, I understand completely that being termed as silly may not always be the ideal situation. Most especially because of the society in which we live, that tends to term such folks as an “Ole” in Yoruba – meaning one who is unable to help themselves.
Notwithstanding, in this above scenario, won’t being the so called “Ole” at the end, have saved the day?
It’s not every insult thrown one’s way that should be responded to. Sometimes it may be best to nurse one’s wounds in secret rather than fight with a mad man. I guess the greatest challenge sometimes is knowing when to fight back and when to allow sleeping dogs lie. For me, I’d say assessing the situation, would reveal when one is fighting with a brick wall because all attempts in trying to make them see reason would only lead to a bleak outcome.
Why waste your precious time on someone that refuses to budge? Why? of what use? It would only leave you more stressed at the end of it all.
…and yes! to those that may be likened to an “Ole”, never forget that “what goes around, comes around” – the inevitable law of retribution.