Relationship Series

…and so what?

It’s so easy to hear from various quarters the saying that age is nothing but a number and as such doesn’t have an impact when choosing whom to settle down with.
Over the years, I’ve had cause to study some differing relationships where age was not considered and there were marked differences. Whilst in some cases the relationship between the couple tended to be blissful, others seemed have a downward trend.

In this regard, my discussion excludes all married folks, as I believe that these couples have already taken this aspect into consideration long before marriage. My views are thus targeted at the singles.
However, If any soon-to-be wedded individual sees today’s post as an important dimension that should be taken into account, the aim is not to cause any form of dissatisfaction to the already established relationship.

So back to my thoughts. Would it suffice to say that age is a determining factor to a healthy union?
In some relationships especially those having marked age differences, you could hear complaints from the ladies of being short-changed by the men. In others, it could be a situation of the lady being viewed as too old OR the man being too young and lacking wisdom. Whichever the situation, I guess this is one factor that is important to be considered when courting because on many occasions, the tendency is for it to be overlooked only to rear its head much later in life, when the man has become the head of the home and the woman is expected to be submissive.

You see, I tend to view relationships from the angle of special friendships that cut across age barriers. Where each party involved can be real with each other and express themselves without any hindrance. I see the bond as being such that even when there tends to be a disagreement, it easily subsides and leaves no room for animosity.
In my take, when these factors are present, then there is the tendency for age to be seen as nothing but a number.
This doesn’t mean that the leadership of the man is in question nor the submissiveness of the lady has been erased, rather, it has become easier for the two to bond and for the lady to yield to her mate.

A classic example to use would be one where the man is younger, given all the named factors above. In such a case, when the lady sees her partner making a decision which she believes by reason of her experience could be distressful to either of them, she quickly points it out to him without any fear of prejudice.

However, when the stated features are absent, it can be very compelling for her to submit. With time, she feels totally disregarded and when such thoughts come crawling in, her tendency is to fight back and to see her partner as being less of a leader, and more of an inexperienced person, who charts the course. Likewise the man would view her as being too old and a nag.
Assuming it’s an opposite case where the man is older and the submissiveness is demanded, it becomes an actual challenge and the lady would tend to feel short-changed / treated unfairly by him because he charts the course without her contribution and in the same vein, the man would view her as irresponsible.

This of course as you know, will have its attendant issues because the home could suddenly become a dysfunctional unit, where the father and mother are always at loggerheads, with the children deciding at a tender age to take sides.
Asides from this aspect, the mere fact that the couple are not united will open room for bitter wars, quarrels and endless battles to be overcome in the marriage because God is not an author of confusion and will only pour out his blessings if the family unit functions as he already intended.

So irrespective of the age bracket, it is noteworthy to take this aspect into consideration because after all said and done, the below passages stand in full effect in God’s sight.
1Cor 11v3 “ But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”
Colossians 3v18-19 “ Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.”

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