What I’m about to say today is very short. I know I’d said a while back that I had no intentions of selling my music release “Draw Nigh” but thinking of why I chose to add monetary value to it on the shop still puzzles me. Even though the link to download it for free was shared in my post Home is where the heart is.. I should’ve still made it available to download on the blog shop. My routine check on the site today flagged this error to me so I’ve thus made the necessary modifications. Kindly head over…
I seem to be writing a whole lot of articles of late so I decided to map a new category on the blog called “Magazine articles”. Enjoy reading today’s post. Oh, Lagos! All over the city people are grappling with all kinds of diverse situations that it’s become noteworthy to mention but a few. The current hike in the costs of automotive gas oil (fuel and diesel) has caused an upward spiral in living costs. There’s so much frustration in the air that lets you wonder if anarchy is silently looming. Many are suffering and enduring hunger, poverty, unemployment, lack…
I started a project two years ago and abandoned it, why? because I lacked the vision to move it forward. Fast forward to our present day, I’m reinitiating it because my vision now is less cloudy. Sometimes it takes opening up to others to expand your horizon and see things from a much different perspective. At certain times, we could start activities with no clear vision in mind, unknown to us that someone else, out of sheer admiration has a different view on how we could harness our strength. What exactly am I saying? One should never underestimate the days…
As I mentally counted the number of activities (hobbies) I’d ventured into of late, I realized that it wasn’t so bad. Some activities take time and consistency to bring up lasting results. Consistency is one definite feature of success; mine isn’t excluded from the list. Browsing through the home page of my Facebook wall, I stumbled once more on a quote that I deemed to be a continuation from last week. It’s a pretty subtle quote that has a way of making you note the people that could fall into the category. However, this wasn’t what got me, rather, it…
I hadn’t forgotten you all. I simply took some time off to try to re-strategize and think of other ways to move the blog forward. I have books I’ve written which I’ve been dragging my feet in launching as e-books. There’s no reason but the inner gut feeling, that it may not be the best timing. As I searched deep for other ideas, one of which is already in the store, I kept telling myself that it would be wrong to venture into so much and not keep up with any. So, I’m taking my time and watching my strides. I…
Recently, I stumbled on a Facebook page strictly for life quotes. It’s called ‘Life Mello’. Reading some of the quotes shared on my news feed of late, seem to get me. I’ll briefly share one of such quotes that got me thinking but before I do so, let me give a brief background. On many occasions, if one has a peaceful life, they tend to question out loud if they’re doing everything right. One of such questions could be, why there seems to be so much tranquility in their circle. This sometimes keeps them longing for a bit of activity.…
I guess I should explain how the purchase of my single album on this blog works. The album is a downloadable Mp3 file. Upon making payment using your preferred gateway, you receive an email with the links to the tracks. Links are set up to last for a maximum of 5days after which it expires. Depending on the settings of your mailbox, the links to the downloadable file may be sent to your spam folder. So please check there if you do not see the mail. However, my addresses link has been updated if you need to escalate further issues…
You all are such an interesting group of readers. Sometimes I wonder how to make you all interact more on this site. I’m sure you’ve noticed the newest addition to my shop? At least now, I’ve fulfilled my promise for an element of surprise this year. So I’m off the hook. There’s also a short snippet of the music added to the mp3 file on the shop. It turns out that the single will not be available in music stores until the 28th of May 2022. So I’ve uploaded the entire album to my shop for your quick access. Until…
There’s always a first time for everything. I recall when I started having different musical compositions coming to my mind. I thought it to be rather strange. Sometimes when I become engrossed in activities like house chores, different rhythms would be pouring from within me and I would find myself either humming to the tunes or dancing. Lol. For a while, I kept questioning what I could do with them until one day, I found myself in the company of some individuals, who unknown to me were music producers. They asked me to sing when they heard my audible voice…
Two weeks and no word from Onuoma, what could the matter be? hehe. How’re you all doing? Thank you for understanding. Meeting my stated targets seems to be taking longer than expected not so? I realized that some nitty-gritty details needed to be considered before my store can be up. One of such details is shipping. How do I ship effectively to you when an order is made? There needs to be an arrangement in place with a courier company. Initiating and activating this service tends to have its timelines and apart from this aspect, there’s also the music that’s…