• Medical Perspectives - Onuoma's Blog

    Ultimate therapy.

    If you visited this blog for the first time, the post – ‘It couldn’t be more than dogged determination. maybe confusing. You may have questioned which advert I was referring to on the sidebar. Let me just explain a bit.  It was a sponsored advert that was up for a week. It was taken down when the terms and conditions were complete. If any of you readers is interested in showcasing your products/services, please don’t hesitate to contact me. That being said, I’ll quickly delve into my post for today which may be a bit intriguing to you all. The…

  • Medical Perspectives - Onuoma's Blog

    I changed my perspective.

    I’m yet to recover fully although I’ve resumed most of my activities. I’m sure some you warriors would like to know what entails in a Core decompression surgery. Looking at some of the images on google it’s a bit hard to envisage, not so? Same thing I thought too. The images make you believe that a prosthesis is inserted into the hip. Apparently, this is not the case. I went into the theater with this mindset until the orthopedic started the surgery. He looked at me and said “I’m about to drill a hole into your hips” and I responded…

  • Medical Perspectives - Onuoma's Blog

    This distinct laid back attitude..

    You know there are days in the life of a warrior when you basically struggle to get through your day and on such occasions, your pain will go unnoticed such that if you choose to disclose it may seem as if your feedback is constantly full of complaints.I’ve also realized that SCD makes you susceptible to a wide range of health issues which could tend to blow out of proportion and if not mindful of, could get you running on a wild goose-chase. One of such examples occurred a few years back. I had gone for a medical checkup and…

  • Medical Perspectives

    Physical examination of the eye in SCD.

    Hello readers, hope you are having a splendid week.Did you know that as an SCD warrior you are expected to undergo an Ophthalmoscopy also called a Funduscopy regularly? What then is an Ophthalmoscopy? It is a routine physical examination that allows a health professional see inside the fundus of the eye and other structures using an ophthalmoscope. It is crucial in determining the health of the retina, optic disc, and vitreous humor. To undergo the process, the pupil will be used as the hole through which the eye’s interior will be viewed hence opening it wider by dilating it will…

  • Medical Perspectives

    Painful triggers in Sickle Cell Anaemia.

    I know to some of you this may sound a bit odd but what I’ve come to understand about Sickle Cell Disease is that apart from doing everything right and ‘keeping to the books’ you also need to effectively understand your body and be able to retrace your steps when it gives you signs. I thus thought it wise, to note some of the drinks I avoid as an SS warrior which I believe may be of help to some of you warriors out there by narrating my experience and how the drinks impacted on my health. In the first…

  • Medical Perspectives

    Ways to stay more hydrated.

    Every year, it’s quite common to make resolutions that you intend to keep in the new year. So I thought it wise to list out a few things that we could prioritize in 2021 in addition our list of resolutions. Last week, I noted the importance of soft exercises as a remedy for baby veins. This week, I’ll be talking about hydration. Water is required for many physiological processes in the body. It serves as the building material for cells and body fluids; accounts for at least 60% of our body weight; transports nutrients in the body and; helps eliminate…

  • Medical Perspectives

    The remedy for baby veins

    Hope you all had a good holiday. Here’s welcoming you all to 2021 and wishing you a year filled with success, happiness and prosperity. Sometimes its a lot easier to talk about an experience you have been through. Owing to the fact that on different occasions I experienced this rather painful procedure aforementioned in “Jai’s memoirs”, I felt the need to discuss further on it. As I have rather tiny/baby veins which are very difficult for my doctors to see when trying to set up an intravenous line, I’ve suddenly become accustomed to indwelling catheters “Port-a-Cath” A catheter is a…

  • Medical Perspectives

    Gene Therapy and its relevance to SCD

    In today’s post I’ll be referring you to a podcast about Sickle cell and Gene Therapy.What exactly is Gene therapy and how is it relevant to Sickle Cell Disease? In simple terms Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease. This podcast was aired on the 22nd of October, 2020 by Sickle Cell 101 Facebook pages which is non-profit organization that educates individuals about Sickle Cell Anaemia. Below is the link to the post.

  • Medical Perspectives

    Chlorophyll and its relevance to Anaemia

    Now a quick recap of k0122670 post on experiencing severe anaemia, brings to mind one notable blood booster I was introduced to while experiencing various stages of growth living with Sickle Cell Disease, namely Chlorophyll. Anaemia occurs in SCD when the red blood cells die early. This means there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. When this happens, a person might be tired, dizzy, have a fast heart rate, be jaundiced, possess slow growth etc. Blood transfusions is used to treat severe anaemia. A sudden worsening of anaemia resulting from infection or enlargement…

  • Medical Perspectives

    High Altitude and SCD.

    I remember vividly my encounter when I embarked on an international trip all alone as a young adult. I was going on holidays and was rather ecstatic about my trip. My hotel had been booked and tickets had been paid for but I failed to prepare for what was to come as I travelled that day. Much later, I got to understand that in sickle cell anemia high altitudes could actually trigger a crises due to the reduced oxygen levels and cold cabin temperatures. This is because there are fewer oxygen molecules in the same level of air we inhale…