Onuoma's Blog

Close, but not the original.

I guess my greatest blocking point with writing is my inability to recall striking headlines that come to my mind during the course of my day. Just last week Friday, I had two potential blog topics that came to my mind and my inability to jot them down immediately, caused them to drift off. All my attempts at recalling the topics proved futile.

You see for a writer, when you have a topic that comes to mind, and you decide to start writing, it’s like a heightened sense of emotion that puts you in a dreamy state which you can’t get out off until you have completely captured everything in words. Funny you say? lol. 

So, my post today, is a bit different. It stems from me stumbling on a bit of copyright infringement. If only a few of you can relate to it, I guess it was indeed worth the write.

To expatiate a bit, I stumbled on an online post sometime ago, that spoke on plagiarism. Of course when I read it up, I didn’t quite get what the viewpoint was, until I went online and saw so many varied cases of this in action. Not just online alone, but also, in specific crafts, etc.

You see many times, certain people lack ideas and choose to infringe on the ideas of others in their bid to get ahead. In such cases, you find that they may take ownership of your idea and tweak it around so well, that it seems a lot better than yours. In some cases they may go as far as copyrighting your entire content which could sometimes give them a push amongst their sphere of life.

Nonetheless, no matter how much they copy an original they will never have the same vision and purpose as the inventor/author. Yes, it’s very true that latching on to the ideas of an original and tweaking them may cause them to move on faster but.. it will not give them a solid foundation, and in the end, you’ll see that their sudden peak will be followed by a marked descent (visualizing a graph in this context).

Why the sudden descent you ask? because a true inventor/author always has a vision and no matter how problems rear their head at them, they keeping hanging in there. 

Every human being has a written script / purpose, you need to find yours and own yours, because when you do, no one will ever be able to take it away from you. It pays to stand out than to follow the majority. 

Until my next post, do take care.

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