Onuoma's Blog

“In you lies a blessing”

I would like to start by thanking you all for your views, comments and likes on my blog so far.
Now that this is done, I’ll move over to my topic of the day, ‘Friendships’.

Another issue I experienced was in this area.
During my elementary school days, I had friends but I noticed that I lost connection with virtually all of them because I was ill so frequently and constantly away from school.

I excelled in my academics don’t get me wrong because God indeed was faithful. On some occasions, whilst on admission my family would bring my books to me at the hospital to prepare for exams that were starting upon my discharge. But never once did any of my friends come to see me at the hospital.

The reason I’m saying this is because, I want caregivers of warriors out there to gain some insight from this area. You see, when anyone in general is ill, nothing brings more encouragement to them than having close friends / family to bring them consolation. It’s the same for warriors but the reason why it is more important for them is because on many occasions they are absent from school and this leaves their close friends wondering where they are especially if the SCD warrior in question is at a tender age and their friends aren’t old enough to go alone to see them.

So how then can this issue be resolved? I think the caregivers of warriors should go the extra mile to know who the close friends of their warrior offspring/relative are and if possible reach out to their parents who would in turn make these friends available when the child in question is ill.
Oh! it goes a long long way in the warriors heart and they tend not to isolate themselves from people as they grow older and this stems from the fact that they could sometimes feel different from other people.
Ah yes! It’s a probable fact. I know this because I remember being asked by my dad severally why I was withdrawn whilst growing up.

In my case, it affected me even more because I’m also an introvert. But I found myself coping by bonding with older adults. The bible admits that you do get wisdom from such relationships, so in one area I was lacking in friends but in another area, I was growing in wisdom. Lol!
Anyhow, I did miss my school friends whenever I was ill because we all went our separate ways after elementary school and it was difficult making contact.

In my first post, I shared how gifted warriors are. Let me explain further.
You see God is so awesome that when an individual is deficient in one area, he blesses them in another. For example, a blind person has very heightened senses and can immediately tell If there is someone else in the room with them.
In my case, I discovered (in my youth) that I could by looking at images replicate them through drawing. I also discovered that I had a very good voice and could sing. My writing talent also showed up and I begun to nurture each and every one of these gifts.

I did this by joining our church choir, drawing for our youth programs and writing scripts and short stories. Until an incident occurred that left me puzzled for the rest of my youth. I will not share what it was now but at one of my subsequent posts.

This leaves me with the second point I was trying to make and this point is to warriors.
You need to search deep within you because in there lies a gift/blessing that would be of consolation to you if you can harness it.

I’ll leave you with these words until my next post.

One comment on ““In you lies a blessing”

  1. God bless you Onuoma for faithfully performing this calling. This is enlightening for me especially in these times where almost globally we are forced to be distant. I pray God uses your words to encourage us all to find ways to foster continuous connection with our loved ones. Looking forward to your next post. Blessings, Aunty Ruth

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