Onuoma's Blog

It couldn’t be more than dogged determination.

This is why I prefer to do stuff when majority of you are asleep. My site under maintenance for the most part of this week was a bit disturbing. At the end of it all, the change I intended to make was done in a matter of seconds when I sat down and thought it through.

Looking at the site now, I guess you all have spotted my somewhat small change. It’s just that this somewhat small change could be a bit cumbersome without the technical knowhow. For those of you with web design experience, you may be able to identify with me.

Initially I had opted to use a plugin and this was the beginning of my problems as choosing the right plugin was an entirely different challenge. In spite of the fact that I’d noted the installation process, at some point I had to disable it because the scope didn’t match what I intended. Also, apart from a few pointers from a technical expert, linking up the ad with its source page on Instagram kept propping up errors. Just when I’d chosen to give up, the thought suddenly came to mind on how to remedy the process.

So, here we are with my side bar where featured ads may sometimes be found. The objective is to acquaint you with diverse people, food or places etc and in so doing give opportunities to warriors/ individuals who would like to showcase their products.

In answer to that question, No, this isn’t the project I mentioned in my previous post ‘True creativity at its best.‘ Rather, see it as an overdue category of my blog that has been at its teething phase (as I would like to describe it).

If you all recall, a while back I’d mentioned in one of my posts that “adverts these days don’t come cheap and if you’d like to have one done, then reach out to me as some ideas seem to be at play in this little head of mine” – please check the post ‘The focus is on you.

Apart from this, there are other areas on this blog I would also like to troubleshoot. The only reason I’ve delayed them is because they don’t seem to have any adverse impact on the site. One way or the other, I will find the time to sort them out.

Back to you all, how did your week go? I hope it was productive and not as disturbing as mine.

Lately, I’ve had cause to take up a therapeutic remedy for my limbs. The swimming refresher classes I’ve been taking of late have actually proved worthwhile for me and I guess it could be for you too especially if you are experiencing pain in your lower limbs.

I did not understand the impact it would have on me until I started. Water therapy is beneficial for sprains, strains, and tears. It is a preferred rehabilitating exercise for injuries to ligaments, muscles, or tendons. However, warriors it’s important to do so, when the water is warmest. I have noticed this occurs mostly in the mornings, or late evenings.

So yes, I now have a sport I’m building stamina for although this was not the true intention rather, it was to improve my recovery process. Nonetheless, I am finding it to be a lovable sport and I don’t intend to stop it anytime soon.

I guess I’ll end here today. Hope to speak to you all soon.


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