Did you miss me? I sure missed you all.
I got home from work on Wednesday evening and as I stepped out of my car, I realized it was very painful to walk. The pain emanating from my right hip was so excruciating that I literarily staggered as I walked to my apartment. I decided to take a pain reliever and went straight to bed hoping that by morning the next day, the pain would have subsided. To my dismay, it didn’t.
As I contemplated calling in sick, I uttered a word of prayer and got ready for work. On getting to the office, the pain became more defeating and unbearable. I just couldn’t walk straight.
I kept asking God If I needed to start using the walking cane once more. Different thoughts poured into my mind from all angles. I kept thinking of my bosses and colleagues in the office who be very sad to see me trodding once more with a stick.
I don’t know for certain when the pain eased, but it did and walking became easier. Although, sometimes I still struggle when I wake up at night, it has its way of easing after a minute or more.
So you see, it’s not as if I don’t want to blog. I do but sometimes, I need to take things easy and rest especially after a long day at the office. Nonetheless, I’m here now.
I’m sure some of you who know me in person would be asking, when did all this happen? “Onuoma I saw you and you looked okay”.
We all have our ways of dealing with issues. In my case, I tend not to talk or reach out. There have been times I’ve been on admission at the hospital, that I literally forgot I had friends. Many times it’s when the crisis is over that my friends start asking me why I didn’t reach out. I don’t do it on purpose, I guess I’m just overwhelmed with the pain that I tend to block out everything.
So when you don’t hear from me, please don’t think negatively, that I may be blogging with laxity.
I do hope every one of you is okay and that the year is gradually taking its course.
I wish you all a splendid weekend and week ahead.
Take care and talk to you all soon.