“Onuoma’s blog” turned a year old this week and I guess more than anything it has been a thrilling experience so far. The blog started amidst the Covid-19 pandemic when writing seemed to be a natural avenue to ease tension and get thoughts out in the open.
Feedback from a percentage of readers say its been an impacting experience. This however, got me thinking of the aim and objectives of the blog. Yes, I know the most important part of it is providing succor to other Sickle Cell Warriors out there but I guess my greatest challenge has been making the blog an interactive session. I generally tend to see it as a forum where other warriors give their views and take on a whole lot of topics but this can only come into realization with your participation. There is so much content yet to be written. Sometimes I actually wonder if I’m holding back in blogging and what some of you would like to read about.
So my week was actually filled with a lot of activities. First of which you all may have noticed was the change in the name of the blog. This stemmed from my conversation with a few of my peers and a statement that seemed to linger which is that “the joy in blogging is mainly obvious in being able to to put your thoughts into words irrespective of its relation to the name of your site”. Hmmm… what a transformation this had on my thinking. Not only did I change the name of the site, its made understand that sometimes, I don’t necessarily have to follow the theme name of the blog. I can just sit down and blog.. Lol.
Anyhow back to my activities for the week, I decided it was about time to update my “About” link on the blog and also my “About the Author” link. I actually enjoyed updating the contents on both links. It felt very relaxing. At least now, you all will have a summarized version of the contents of the blog. So do take time out to read.
I believe there is so much to be grateful for this past one year since the launch of this blog. There was so much bleakness when it started especially at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. My heart reaches out to those of you readers that may have experienced it or had to see your love ones battle with the virus. I know I really didn’t speak about it, but I guess it stems from my character of most times leaving things beyond my control to the one who knows best. I can’t say for certain that I took any preventive measures apart from the stipulated guidelines of social distancing, wearing of masks, etc. I just committed myself daily into the care of the one who is the author and finisher of my faith and I sat and watched him do the rest.
Now I’m not saying that those of you who may have experienced the virus in one way or another did not do so, I’m just stating that he alone has the answers irrespective of the situation. The entire period was tough. I know some other ways I struggled, which may be irrelevant to admit at the moment. I hope above all and pray for good health for those of you who are in one way or another connected to my life either through this platform or in other ways.
Finally to conclude today, I didn’t round up stating my activities for the week. Let me just say that overall it was good, other days tiring. Most of you that have seen me would probably have noticed a certain difference about me..lol. You’d be wondering what caused the drastic decision. Just know that I’m happy and couldn’t be more grateful to be able to set aside irrelevant priorities in my life and No!! I don’t to intend to disclose. Remember what I said earlier, “I can just sit down and blog”. This is my way of blogging.
Take care you all and bye for now.
Always an interesting and engaging read. keep blogging!
Thanks for the comment and yes I will.