Dear friends,
I know it’s been a long while since I last posted and some of you may be noting that there’s nothing happening here. I wish it could be different.
When I initially started blogging, I recall it was hard functioning in a sphere where many eyes were on me. Sometimes, I questioned my posts behind the scenes and bit my lip up for divulging.
Even now, I feel like I’m still hiding the best of me. I guess you may not really understand until you’ve walked the path I’ve trod. I miss being able to do so many things like before. Most especially, my carefree nature, I miss that a lot. Right now it’s as if I keep looking over my shoulders.
Lately, I’ve been stripping myself layer by layer to unearth the real me lurking in the shadows. It can be mentally draining. At least it goes to show that even the best people have hidden issues that we all don’t see.
For those of you who can identify with me, thank you!
I think it comes with very many artistic people. There’s a dark side within them that they most times struggle to keep hidden. The real truth is that when one gives in constantly to this dark side of negativity and pessimism, it can be tragic.
Today I’m not going to ask why I chose to tow this line but I want you all to know that I also do have my moments. Moments when I shed a tear or more because what I’m feeling is deep within and I can’t help it. Moments when I question things I have no answers to.
No, I’m not unhappy. Hopefully one day, I’ll stumble upon all my answers. Until then, I’ll keep trodding on one day at a time.
In answer to your question, I have no excuse for not blogging. Just the mere fact that I’m trying to find my rhythm amidst all my many activities. I know I will soon.
For now, please be happy with the little I’ve written these past years.
Take care.