Onuoma's Blog

May I have your consent?

I’ve been thinking of you all. I do hope everyone is doing great. I know it’s been a bit of a stretch since my last post, didn’t mean to bore you all by not blogging.

I spent the previous days searching for a new post that would be timely and relevant but found only opaque ideas going through my mind. I thus decided to reach out today and say hello.

As the year starts to wind down, I hope it turned out to be a good year for you all and I do hope each of your different desires came through.

In my case, I’m thankful for the new activities I took up and the old ones I continued in my quest for a better work-life balance. Even if they turned out to be little changes, they sure did light up my face. It also was exhilarating blogging this entire year. Looking back now, I see writing patterns that may have seemed absurd at the onset but made sense after publishing.

I guess you may be asking what’s next on the blog. I do have some ideas here and there that I’m working on. Although, I’m wondering if it may be a good idea to take a little break from blogging so that I don’t become burnt out in the end. It could give me the much-needed time to draw up a strategy that would be useful.

Would love to know your thoughts on this as I’ll definitely miss you all for the duration for which it lasts. However, It may be imperative to give me the added boost to keep on blogging.

I’ll take your silence on the matter to be your consent. This is why it’s important that you kindly subscribe to the blog so that you become aware when I resume blogging.

I don’t intend to be gone for long and I’m hoping I do make it back before Christmas.

Enjoy the rest of your week and do take care.

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