Onuoma's Blog

My tête-à-tête.

So I know I’m fond of dropping of social media and going into the back-scene but the actual fact is that on many occasions, periods of well inspired posts which one could term as “highs” is  sometimes followed by periods of being downcast or “lows”. 

Why? I don’t seem to understand it myself. There are times when I could be going through what one may term as a rush of emotions when writing, such that the work turns out to be an inspired write. This could be accompanied by being low / downcast. 

Right now, some of my other ideas seem to be staring at me, questioning when they too will become a reality. You see, I have come to an understanding that there is a time for everything in this life. The same way, this blog took years to become a reality, is the same way certain things need to shift before such objectives become materialized. There is nothing as bad as starting a process when God is not in the mix because it usually ends up in a lot of chaos than envisaged. As the bible clearly puts it, “Unless the lord builds the house the builder labors but in vain” 

Hence, I’m just waiting for his leading. He pushed me into initiating the blog, he definitely knows how to tell me when its time for things to change. So for now, I’ll just keep on blogging until he sets the plan into motion. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean I’ve stalled my part of the process. I’m doing my bit, so that when he says “move Onuoma”, there will be no delay. 

Apart from all these, blogging in the last couple weeks from different perspectives sure was, a lot of fun. I hope it did take your mind off SCD and whatever health challenges you are facing. I know it did mine in more ways than one. 

As the year quietly winds down, the countdown to the holidays seem to have begun. Many folks will be looking back now at the successes of their year. What would be your take? Would it be a reason to rejoice, be gloomy OR just to be indifferent? 

I guess it may be ideal to put things into perspective to prevent one from slipping into a state of gloom… How you ask? Many folks lost their lives this year, some lost their loved ones, others lost their jobs / means or livelihood, a lot ended up in financial debts, some are still sick and the list goes on…

Whatever the situation, It pays to stay positive because “When there is life, there is hope” and; as long as there is hope, there are always endless possibilities. Fulfilling purpose may be termed as the one important thing in this life right now, as this life is fleeting and we all one day will stand accountable. 

Until then, plugging into the life source – the Omnipresent one from whom we draw our daily strength and; in whom there is no shadow of turning should be all that matters.

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