Physical examination of the eye in SCD.
Hello readers, hope you are having a splendid week.Did you know that as an SCD warrior you are expected to undergo an Ophthalmoscopy also called a Funduscopy regularly?What then is…
Reconciliation when it hurts the most #2.
I’d like to conclude this post today knowing I had ended it abruptly two weeks ago. As stated earlier, I was wrong in every way for lashing out at my…
Just sit down and blog.
“Onuoma’s blog” turned a year old this week and I guess more than anything it has been a thrilling experience so far. The blog started amidst the Covid-19 pandemic when…
Reconciliation when it hurts the most.
It seemed pretty odd to me about three weeks ago. Sometimes silently walking away from arguments can be difficult especially when you know you may be right. In fact being…
Rising above your daily challenge.
Now to talk about warriors that are doing exceptional things and rising above their daily challenges. I came across a warrior named Lateesia. She is 39 years old and she…