Hello readers, hope you are having a splendid week.
Did you know that as an SCD warrior you are expected to undergo an Ophthalmoscopy also called a Funduscopy regularly?
What then is an Ophthalmoscopy? It is a routine physical examination that allows a health professional see inside the fundus of the eye and other structures using an ophthalmoscope. It is crucial in determining the health of the retina, optic disc, and vitreous humor. To undergo the process, the pupil will be used as the hole through which the eye’s interior will be viewed hence opening it wider by dilating it will be done by use of medicated eye drops before the funduscopy.
What’s the purpose? To detect and evaluate symptoms of eye diseases such as glaucoma – which is a condition of increased pressure inside the eyeball causing gradual loss of sight.
Why is this eye assessment necessary for Sickle Cell warriors? Well, it has been noted that children and young adults who suffer from sickle cell disease (SCD) are at risk of blindness from diseases of the retina which results in impairment of vision (retinopathy) and other complications. It varies from 5 to 10% depending on the genotype, being commonest in SC than SS and S-thal. ‘Sudden’ blinding sequelae such as vitreous hemorrhage and tractional retinal detachment can result from retinal lesions, known as ‘quiet’ eyes. This risk can be minimized considerably if the lesions are detected in a timely fashion and treated.
How frequently must the test be done? From the age of 20, the frequency of the eye examination should increase to yearly.
Now this is not to cause a scare or panic for you warriors / caregivers out there but to create awareness. It is only recommended that you / your SCD offspring try to undergo the examination to rule out such possibilities.
In my case I didn’t become aware of it until much later in my life reason being that my pre-existing medical condition was not made known to my Optometrist when I registered at the eye clinic otherwise they would have recommended it. Like those of you who are just hearing about it for the first time through this forum, I got to hear about mine whilst browsing on social medial from another warrior who was admitting it was necessary in SCD.
I initially took the notice casually and decided to inform my Optometrist about my health condition. It was then I was informed of the importance of the eye examination.
Sometimes when I think of some of the complications that could arise in SCD, it is most times very dis-heartening. I therefore, try to draw strength from Job’s lamentation to the lord in Job 3v25 which states “For the thing which I fear cometh upon me, And that which I am afraid of cometh unto me”. How? by simply asking the lord not to permit any of my fears come upon me. Doing this releases me of any anxiety or panic attacks that could arise from negative feedback.
Warriors we were born to shine, so do not be daunted by any of your limitations. Keep shining because your future is bright!
Take care…..
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14510100/ accessed 18th April 2021.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophthalmoscopy accessed 18th April 2021.