A few times I tried to access the backend of my site only to discover it was experiencing a technical issue, have in no doubt been rather unpleasant. I recall one particular incident when I contacted the hosting company and upon connecting to me, their female personnel sadly informed me that my site was under auction.
Wow! I literarily jumped out of my skin. “Are you serious” I retorted? Knowing I had fully paid my bills. “Yes ma’am, it looks so”, she explained. “I’ll take another look. Please provide your site information once more” she asked. Whilst she was checking, I had a thousand thoughts race through my head. “Oops!” she replied, “your site is up and running, no need to fear”. As her words slowly dawned on me, the feeling of fear and uncertainty in the pits of my stomach started to assuage.
There’s nothing more saddening than to see one’s hard work become undone. It can be not only frightening but also very unpleasant. It reminds me of former days of working on a software program and forgetting to save the work before closing it.
This above scenario recently occurred when I was writing one of my posts. The program prompted me to save but rather than accept the prompt, I denied the request in error. “OMG!” I screamed. “No way!!! It didn’t save”, I tried frantically to see if I could salvage anything but it was all gone. “Ah!” as it slowly dawned on me, I immediately started recalling my thoughts and putting them down once more lest I forgot. I guess if anyone at that moment, had tried to distract me, I may have flared.
January always happens to be a rather stringent month. For some of us, it’s a month when school fees need to be paid. For others, it’s a month of rent renewals, and the list goes on. Sadly, by the time December ends, in comes January and it slowly starts to become evident, if one may have spent excessively in December.
Just recently, I became aware of a phrase known as a ‘Detty December’ which is used to refer to spending in December in a vivacious way. Lol. A friend of mine had literarily popped the words out, in stating that she had quite a ‘Detty December’. She asked me if I also had one. Clueless to what she was referring to, I asked her to elucidate and that was how I became familiar with the phrase. Quite funny you say?.
So here we all are in January, with the majority of us having mopped up funds, as the bills didn’t seem to disappear. Happily, it’s over and time to move on.
In concluding, I wish you all a splendid new week.