“Tough times never last, tough people do” ― Robert H. Schuller.
Thinking once more about it, I’m trying to apply the above quote to the present situation that seems to be lurking the world over. I know I had stated earlier that we should be careful with our resources and try to put aside revenue for the future. However, with the current recession and increase in living costs, this advice may not apply anymore.
I don’t mean to be a soothsayer but watching the trend all over the globe, the value of money seems to be depreciating (taking the context of Nigerian society).
What exactly am I saying? We are living in tough times where an income may not be sufficient. There seems to be a shaking all around and whenever such a shaking occurs, only the strongest can withstand the fiercest storm.
We all have giftings and talents nestled deep in our beings but on many occasions, it takes a fierce storm to move us out of our comfort zone. The zone of complacency where we feel that we have it all together. We are living in times when we need to birth forth our pearls.
I know you get the picture and understand what I’m trying to say. An incoming salary may not be sufficient anymore with the attendant dependants we each have relying on us. Now is not a time to give in to laxity. It’s a time to weather the storm in our favor. Learn a craft if you cannot harness that inner gifting. Push that talent/energy you have to work in your favor. Don’t sit still and allow dissatisfaction to set in. It will only lead to anger, depression, and anxiety.
Most of us, including seemingly satisfied persons, need to invest our time or money in opportunities that would yield fruit for a lifetime. Make your income stream work in your favor. Think of ideas and begin to birth them forth. Don’t think that only migration would solve the issue.
My post today is awkward because it’s no longer sustainable to live with our previous mindset.
All the signs seem to imply that a storm is coming. I know your one question could be, “Where is the time to do anything else Onuoma? After a hard day’s work, we’re spent!”. I get that. Your question is valid but the more we sit complaining, the situation may not change.
It’s better to assess our lifestyles. Those hours we seem to spend on endless idle activities can be harnessed even if they occur mainly over the weekend.
Many times, when storms like these arise, only those who are strategically positioned can weather through. Don’t be caught unawares.
Let’s set those targets and give others a reason to watch our space.
Take care