Tell me something, what do you do when you are idle or bored and craving something new to do?
Such times can be so discouraging and rather annoying especially if after searching deep, you simply cannot find an activity to spice up your day, lol. Last week Saturday and this week Friday (after hours) was one of those days for me. What did I do differently? let me see.
Last Saturday, I found myself sleeping in until about noon when I decided that it might be a great idea to stock up my fridge with variety of meals. My family and some of my close friends know that cooking is actually one of my best friends. True! I call it my hobby because I enjoy doing so especially if there are people to partake in the prepared meal. However, on this particular day there was no one in sight. Oh well! I had to do it nonetheless, reason being that I had put it off for a while when my health was suffering about a month ago (remember I blogged about it).
Staring at my fridge on this particular day, I knew I had to do something quickly else I would run out of options since I was also following a meal plan from my nutritionist. So at noon, I jumped up from lazying on my bed and dashed out quickly to get the ingredients I required to prepare the meals. I had quite a lovely day, driving, shopping and finally cooking. Oh yes! another of my hobbies is actually driving. I’m odd ain’t I? Tell me please! lol. I do enjoy driving which is something that I find quite intriguing. I can’t seem to understand it but its actually been of great value to me.
Why? if you recall in one of my previous posts, I had mentioned how it was possible for me to live all alone despite my health challenge and how on many occasions I always had the strength to drive when ill. Well, now you know.
It is quite funny the way God loves to create we human’s with variety of interests and talents and to add a note here, many warriors are actually very interesting and talented individuals. On so many occasions, in different societies, warriors are not given a voice and are very easily segregated to the background. They are viewed as weaklings that most times do not have much to offer, but today, I’m here to prove the view differently, that warriors are actually very strong individuals who literally can achieve anything they set their minds to do.
So back to my day. On getting back after shopping, I had this added burst of strength that I was so grateful for and I quickly started to prepare my meals. I cooked three different meals and made a smoothie. Yum! At the end of the day when I eventually hit my bed all the gloominess that could have come from boredom and idleness was gone.
Yesterday (Friday) seemed kind of different and I figured out how to overcome my idleness by deciding to write this post. True! I wrote it and decided to publish it.
I may not have all the answers but one thing I do know is that our hobbies and talents are of immense value in helping us overcome days like these. Don’t put yours to waste and yes! everybody (including warriors) have hidden talents.
Take care….