I know I did miss talking to you all. It’s not every day that it’s easy to write a special post / create something inspiring. There are days when its totally difficult that I just leave my laptop and choose not to open it up. Now this is not a writer’s block as one may describe it, it’s just the ability to put into words some of the thoughts that may be adrift in my mind. I guess I’ve ignored blogging for a bit too long and need to juggle myself back to my regular routine.
Not too long ago, I was reading a forwarded post on social media that did resonate in my mind. The subject was on how the faces of black ladies seemed to change constantly due to the variety of wigs and hair-dos they tend to wear.
Lately, I’ve been coming across different videos and posts appreciating the natural black hair and challenging ladies to style and wear it on nonetheless. I wouldn’t choose to see this as being gullible but it actually did provoke me to say “why not, if not”. Since that day, I found myself slowing transitioning from putting on wigs to wearing on my natural hair. I got the products I needed to style my hair myself and I’m enjoying every minute of doing so except on occasions when the tendency is to want a bit of variety.
You see the reason, I’ve chosen to write about this is a bit complex. Nigerian society seemed to segregate ladies that generally advocated for the natural black hair in the past as being very religious. Why? if I may ask. Could this view stem from the black men who are described as the driving force behind the views of the black ladies towards their natural hair in the same forwarded post. Then all of a sudden, wearing the natural black hair came into vogue and ladies started to view it as appealing. It took fashion style to cause the paradigm of ladies to shift and accept it. One way or another we need to face the truth about ourselves and accept the who we are because it’s never going to change. Sometimes it takes just one individual with guts to spark a change in several individuals. I’m not here to do so because I do admit that I’d been guilty in the past of preferring varied hair-dos to my natural hair.
Just see me this moment as blogging and sharing my thoughts. I’m trying to move my thoughts away from unhappy circumstances that I have no control over and to share other matters / issues.
Living with SCD is so very challenging. There are high days and low days. Days when you smile and days when you struggle to go through your day. Lately, I found myself recalling a conversation I once had in the past with my general physician. I was explaining to him how my crises seemed to start from from my sleep and he found it to be a bit absurd. In my case, I would be sleeping and in my sleep my body would be hurting and I would find myself moaning in pain until I’d wake up, by then the crises would have escalated that I would find myself either sobbing uncontrollably of screaming out because I could bear it no longer. My physician found this to be quite absurd. Hence I decided to put this question through today to you warriors if actually you’ve experienced this and if it does make sense to you. Please just say a yes or no in response if you’d rather not say more.
I also do recall that I promised to explain the correlation between drinking malt sodas and having a sickle cell crises. I asked my haematologist during the week and he explained that there was actually no correlation but that warriors should tend to note those things that trigger a crises for them so as to avoid them. I guess that concludes that particular post for me as I have kept my word.
In conclusion, please know that at the moment, I’m working at the back end of this blog. There are a few ideas that I need to put up. Just trying to work through them and hoping they don’t take too long. So if the frequency of my posts become a bit irregular, do try to bear with me.
I don’t know if I made any sense today but it was really nice to touch base with you all. Please warriors, a yes or no would do. Very much appreciate the feedback. Thank you.