Fuel Subsidy - The Aftermath - Onuoma's Blog

Who had the upper hand? (2)

Suppose I was nudged to share my thoughts nonetheless about Adams who beat their Eves. There’s only one point I would make.

The Bible says “And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things” – 1 Corinthians 9v25

The ability for an Adam to act properly in any given situation makes him exercise temperance in all things. Jesus got angry and in his anger did not sin but was considered to have acted holy. What reason would make an Adam lift up their hands to an Eve? If not that he lacks self-restraint or self-discipline.

No matter how upset any individual makes you, the ability to display your God-given maturity in your reaction makes you an Adam of worth.

I know some of you who just joined this conversation will be asking about the correlation between Adams beating their Eves and the aftermath of the fuel subsidy? Lol. Like all blogs, this is just a continuation of the article – A bitter pill to swallow.

We are just taking a look at the pressure the aftermath of the fuel subsidy has on families keeping up with their daily bills. To say the truth, a lot of sparks may fly, but this doesn’t mean we should allow it to disintegrate to the point that each spouse lets it out on the other. This period calls for a lot of readjusting, understanding, and cooperation with one another. It would be utterly defeating for us to permit the prevailing circumstance to dispel the love and bond we each share in our homes.

What aim would the constant bickering, quarreling, and fighting among spouses achieve? If not to leave us in a state of despair and desperation and to further cause our offspring to be traumatized by the sudden lack of peace.

We can only weather this storm together and not apart.

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