I had a full plate last weekend so it was quite impossible to juggle that with sending a new blog post.
Just last week, I decided to take up more activities to have more work-life balance in my space. You would never believe the particular activity I chose in question. This particular activity had tremendous benefits but I started the wrong way so rather than revel in it, the aftermath turned out to be rather uncomfortable.
The activity in question? going to the gym. My decision to use the treadmill for 8-10 minutes started me off on a bad note. I know you would like to know why. Well, I went there with the mindset to use an exercise peddler which had recently been requested by the orthopedic. I, being thrilled by the idea of being able to use a gym once more, decided to take it up a notch. In so doing, I exerted my hip muscles. Although the discomfort did ease, the entire idea to continue is a complete no. Even If I do decide to go there again, I’ll ensure I stick to the books.
Right now, I’m thinking of other activities I could take up in addition to swimming and blogging.
Driving these days is not as much fun due to the endless traffic on our roads. Please how do you all cope? It’s as if everyone has zeroed their minds that traffic is an essential part of life, but this sadly is not true. If there’s anything about driving in this country that poses a challenge, it’s the “Me first attitude” of some road users.
“I’m trying to make a U-turn, please stop so that I can do so”, but the oncoming driver says “No I won’t, why don’t you wait until the entire road is completely free”. These days it’s quite impossible and dangerous to stop for a pedestrian on a zebra crossing simply because of an oncoming driver behind you at top speed. The same also goes when one intends to stop for a road user whose car is in reverse mode. Although you may want to, it could pose a challenge due to the number of honks you could get from other impatient drivers OR because of drivers who are unable to stop behind you.
At other times, it could be that when driving, up ahead, a lane is blocked. Rather than being patient enough to give the affected road user the chance to change lanes, we drive on as if we’re clueless about the obstruction.
Also, may I ask what exactly is wrong with using trafficator lights? We foster the idea that it stops the other road user from allowing us change lanes. At the end of it all, it’s a disorderly form of driving that causes us to look insensitive to one another and call it life.
Pedestrians too don’t make it easy on road users as they deliberately walk into the road when it’s not safe. Must we make life difficult for each other? Living in our society with its attendant features is hard enough, must we still rub it in?
This situation causes me to recall my initial experience during my registration at the University. A seemingly orderly queue suddenly became a rowdy and chaotic experience because of some students with this very same “Me first attitude”. If there was anything I disliked the most at the university it was having to queue up for one student service or amenity. Why? because it always ended up being a rowdy experience where the sly ones trample on others just to be served first.
I guess we need to reevaluate our thinking paradigm and allow it to change by understanding clearly that it starts with us.
It’s not only when authorities enforce it on us through penalties that we should comply. Rather let’s understand that our society is what we make of it and however we choose to make it, we must lie in it.