I was waiting to fully grasp my line of thought and to know what angle I meant to veer towards today. The various situations I aforementioned seemed to be the best angle, so I decided to intricately look at all, although, I don’t intend to follow their defined their order.
A brief look at the last two scenarios that certain individuals seemed to be grappling with in my previous post – (those who seemed to be all alone with no form of assistance….and; others who dealt with epileptic power situations and cost of fueling generators…). One issue may be seen as inherent to both scenes and this is the money factor.
Imagine a situation where one sits and watches their funds slowly deplete until there is nothing left and still have to keep trodding on. Sounds a bit odd. It could sound odd to individuals who seem to have enough and much to spare after offsetting daily bills but not everyone belongs to this category. There are those who find themselves in situations where their salaries totally depletes before the month ends, not necessarily because of ‘wishful spending’ but basically due to the hike in living costs.
What do you do when you find yourself in such uncomfortable situations? “Multiple streams of income” you say, sadly, not everyone that longs for this option finds it. “Then create one” you say, very easy to propose but even then, it requires a bit of capital. In the end, one option seems to be glaring which is to loan – loan against the next salary. Finding oneself in situations where you borrow and not lend can be very defeating. Sometimes it’s one thing to have the intention to borrow, and it’s another thing to find someone who’s willing to loan you such funds. This latter statement may be due to the fact that some lenders have had their fingers burnt and others seem to have set principles against this kind of living. However, it’s easy to shut one’s eyes to another’s pain until of course the tables turn around.
This life is very uncertain, just as the saying goes that “no one knows tomorrow”. Now don’t go thinking that I’m dooming individuals that refuse to lend, I’m just stating the obvious. Reason being, that I’ve basically witnessed situations, where the lenders turned around to be the borrowers at the end of the day, due to the uncertainty of life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to label a case against such people because I know what it feels like to have one’s fingers burnt – but this discussion, I’ll leave open for another day. Rather, I’m here to see things from the perspective of the one who borrows.
Is there really anything like a perpetual borrower. Yes, in cases where people are addicted to unethical lifestyles of drugs, gambling, etc, it does exist. However, this is not the direction of my post, as I’m referring to decent ethical individuals, who for no reason find themselves in situations where they have to frequently borrow, not because they want to, but because of the attendant issues of life. Some of you, may decide to term the person’s predicament as wild spending but it’s not in all cases this applies. Sadly, you could decide to turn up your nose at these individuals and walk on by, but let me ask one truthful question. After you do, have you kind of noticed, that such individuals tend to overcome their situation? how? because their Maker is never asleep and out of options.
I know that as I blog about this, some of you will be asking if I’ve been there and how I tend to know so much, let’s just say, that I have had a fair share of issues. My post today is encourage those who seem to be passing through such situations. It may be so easy for a select few to be judgmental and say to you, “you need to cut back on certain expenses”. This is because it’s very easy for the one who’s not wearing the shoe to point the finger. Notwithstanding, I say to you, your Maker is your friend. I also leave this one passage to encourage you – “And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you”. Isa 46 v 4.
Sometimes uncomfortable situations come to make you stronger. If you have checked and find yourself guiltless of wild spending, know for a fact that you may just be ‘a lender in the making’. How else would you be a natural lender if you have not passed through adverse situations of borrowing?
When there seems to be no help in sight, your Maker will definitely not leave you helpless.